Let us create 1 day in every week by simply handling your email
Hours per day you spend on filtering your email
Hours per week
Time saved using a Coteq Virtual Assistant
Whole day saved per week
So how can we free up so much of your time?
The ‘2 hours a day’ you currently spend is now compressed into a single 1/2 hour catchup call with your Coteq Virtual Assistant saving you that ‘valuable’ day in every week
“Create an extra 20% of working time every week”
This can be even more valuable when you take your well earned break on leave.
Your Coteq Virtual Services assistant can handle your email while you are relaxing, which not only gives you peace of mind that any critical contact will be dealt with, but that it also prevents that ‘1000 unanswered email trawl’ on your return.
The Yin and Yang of using the Virtual Services team
The ‘Yin’
No PAYE, NIC, Pension and handling (HR) costs
No computer hardware/Mobile costs
no heating, lighting, stationery costs
Space saving i.e. through remote working
Total flexibility on time used per day/week and when
Expandable function i.e. if more time required, more virtual assistance can be employed (with all the above flexibility)
Payment of services used only i.e. no payment of holidays, sick pay etc
Fully insured company (Public and Employer liability cover)
Coteq Solutions GDPR policy in place
Coteq Solutions Health and Safety policy in place
Coteq Solutions PAYE employees therefore no IR35 issues
Coteq Solutions is a UK based company with experience of large and small British businesses.
Member of the FSB
and the ‘Yang’
Not working within office team environment i.e. contactable through Phone/web/post routes
Integrating a VA into a team is percieved to be harder, but with modern technology this is far from insurmountable and we actually find Microsoft Teams / Skype provides sufficient ‘physical’ visibility for this to not be an issue. (larger companies are now insisting on this to cut costs of meetings i.e. travel to/from)